The Holy Art meets Kate Rossini

Kate Rossini’s work is about exploring aspects of her identity using surrealist techniques accessing the subconscious mind - looking inwards to mine what is hidden - exploring juxtapositions between methodologies that impose rules/elements of chance and those freed from rational control. Themes running through her work include: otherness, feminine & totemic, underlying meaning/subversion, using personal colour combinations that speak to her identity/interpretation of the world – centred around her own story, personal mythology/childhood memories. Spontaneity, allowing work to emerge from the process of doing, responding and letting go gives her creative permission to be bolder and more experimental. The significance/modesty of materials also features in her work as do found objects, reimagining existing work, using recyclable/sustainable resources.

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"Fragmented" Group Exhibition - Round Up!


Artist in conversation: Alastair Peat